6 Common Roof Problems

You’d be surprised at the amount of homeowners who neglect their roof. They wait until it’s too late and roof problems have already shown up. From minor leaks, to cracks and storm damage, roofing problems should be looked at and taken care of as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your roof and home.

And, while we admire a can-do attitude, some DIY roof fixes can be difficult and dangerous. Here are some of the common roof problems you may encounter:

  1. Roof Leaks

    Roof leaks are probably the most common roof problems that homeowners face. Leaks can occur anywhere on the roof, even when your shingles are intact.

    Prevention/Repair Tip: The best way to avoid a roof leak is regular maintenance. Be sure to clean drains, replace sealants, and have repairs done at the earliest detection. Get an inspection to determine the cause of the roof leak. Once the source of the leak is identified, your local roofer can get to work repairing your roof and preventing more damage.

  2. Storm Damage

    You can experience storm-related damage to your roof during any season. Heavy winds, rain, hail, lightning, and low-hanging branches can all cause serious harm to your roof.

    Prevention/Repair Tip: Keep trees trimmed and off of your roof. After severe weather leaves your area, be sure to remove fallen branches.

  3. Faulty or Damaged Flashing

    Flashing is a material made of plastic or sheet metal and is used to protect creases on fixtures such as skylights or chimneys. If the flashing is loose, cracked, or worn, it can lead to leaks and cause damage to your roof and home in Central Florida.

    Prevention/Repair Tip: Hire a licensed roofing contractor that will properly install flashing. And, be sure to follow routine roof maintenance to detect any flashing issues early on. Repair will likely include removal of the flashing and possible removal of the roofing material around it, then replacing it to ensure no more damage occurs.

  4. Clogged Gutters

    When drainage paths become clogged, several problems occur. Clogged drains, gutters, and downspouts can increase the weight load on your roof, speeding up the deterioration of the roof. If your gutters contain significant amounts of leaves, dirt, or other debris, it can cause water to flow over the side and seep into your home’s foundation.

    Prevention/Repair Tip: To keep drainage paths open, keep up with routine maintenance. Trim nearby trees to remove the risk of leaves clogging drains, gutters, and downspouts. Clear out gutters, or call a professional roofer to inspect your gutters.

  5. Improper Ventilation

    Roof and attic ventilation is crucial to making your roof last. It regulates the temperature and moisture levels in your attic to reduce energy costs and prevent mold or mildew build up. Ventilation occurs naturally through vents placed at the eaves, soffits, and ridges of your roof. Or can come from ventilation in the form of roof turbines, box vents, or electric roof vents.

    Prevention/Repair Tip: Keep up routine maintenance, checking for rising energy costs and signs or mold or mildew.

  6. Poor Installation

    When you try to cut costs on your roof installation, you may end up cutting down the quality of your roof, too. A roof that is poorly installed will have a shorter lifespan and a higher chance of mold development. And, once your roof shows a problem, it may be too late for a quick fix and could require an entire roof replacement.

    Prevention/Repair Tip: The best prevention is proper installation from a qualified roofing contractor in your area.

For 15+ years, Stanley’s Roofing has remained trusted residential and commercial roofers in Central Florida. We work with only the highest quality materials, remain transparent during the process, and work with respect for our customers and their properties.

Contact us today for an estimate on your next roofing project.

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