6 Roof Safety Basics For Homeowners

As a homeowner, there’s going to come a time when your roof requires an inspection and routine maintenance. And, if you’re a DIYer looking to save some money, you might decide to attempt it yourself, especially if the repairs seem minor. But there are risks no matter how minor the project might be.

What Are The Risks?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “more than 150,000 Americans require medical treatment as a result of roofing accidents every single year.” They also found that more than 97 percent of all roofing and ladder accidents happen at home.

And physical injury isn’t the only thing you need to worry about when making repairs to your home’s roof. DIY roof repairs can also be risky for your wallet. “But doesn’t a DIY roof repair save me money?” It can. But without the proper tools and training, you could actually end up doing more damage to your roof, shortening its life and voiding its warranty.

With these risks in mind, take a look at the six roof safety basics that can help protect you from a roofing related accident.

  1. Wear The Right Footwear

    One of the most important ways you can minimize slip and falls on your roof is by wearing closed-toed sneakers or boots with the best possible traction and grip. It’s also good to find a pair with plenty of ankle support, which is a must for walking on uneven surfaces.

  2. Don’t Work Alone

    The buddy system is especially important when it comes to climbing on your roof. Having someone there to keep the ladder steady and be on hand in case of an emergency could end up preventing injury and even saving a life.

  3. Check Your Ladder

    Your ladder is arguably the most essential tool you’ll need for your roofing project. Make sure your ladder is sturdy and placed down on the ground on a level surface. Never try and carry more than one object up the ladder at a time as they can shift in your grip and cause you to lose your balance. And, be sure not to lean your ladder against gutters or siding since they will not be able to support your weight.

  4. Handle Tools Safely

    Using power tools come with their own set of risks — which increase when you’re on a roof. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions on power tools and keep power cords and tools out of your way so you don’t trip or slip on them.

  5. Watch For Loose Nails, Shingles, & Debris

    Shingles and other roofing materials are typically fastened with nails which can become loose over time. When working on your roof, be sure to watch for loose nails to avoid stepping on one. Also be sure to be aware of any other debris or loose shingles that can become a tripping hazard.

  6. Keep The Weather In Mind

    Be sure to consider the season and the weather when you’re planning to be up on the roof. If it’s calling for rain or high temperatures, wait for a clear and mild day to complete your project. In Central Florida, heat-related injuries or illnesses are a huge risk when working on your roof, since rooftops reach a much higher temperature than the ground below.

The Most Important Roofing Safety Tip

Following the guidelines above will make DIY repairs to your roof much safer, but the only way to guarantee you are 100% safe during roofing work is to call in the professionals. While you might want to DIY your roof maintenance to save a bit of money, no cost savings are worth your safety.

When you hire a professional roofer like Stanley’s Roofing, you get a team that’s experienced, licensed, and insured. You’ll get roofers who will get the job done efficiently and safely, with all of the proper equipment and training. Give Stanley’s Roofing a call today to get an estimate on your roofing project — then enjoy the comfort of knowing you and your roof will be safe and sound.

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