Spooky Shingle Stories To Share Around the Campfire

It’s Spooky Season! Time for scary shingle stories to share around the campfire. Grab a stick and some marshmallows and we’ll tell you some of the creepy ways that roofs can go over to the dark side…

Beware, there are many sinister ways for roof shingles to meet an early demise. Stormy weather conditions, creature invasions, and downright neglect can take a toll on your roof and damage its integrity.

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night…

Exposure to harsh weather conditions is one of the primary reasons for shingle damage. Sunlight, rain, snow, ice and temperature fluctuations can cause shingle to deteriorate over time.

Let’s Do The Time Warp…

Shingles have a limited lifespan, typically ranging from 20 to 30 years, depending on the material. As they age, they become more susceptible to damage and may start to crack, curl, or warp.

The Creatures From the Black Lagoon…

In humid or shaded areas, moss, algae, or lichen can grow on shingles, trapping moisture and causing decay. Regular cleaning or treatment can prevent build up of these shingle killers.

Pest Cemetery…

Insects, rodents, or birds can damage shingles by burrowing into them or pecking at them, creating entry points for water.

Invasion Of The Roof Snatchers…

Neglecting regular roof maintenance can cause an invasion of natural culprits that can cause your roof to deteriorate. Leaves, debris, and moss can accumulate on the roof, creating moisture retention and potentially causing rot or algae growth.

To prolong the lifespan of your roof shingles and prevent them meeting an early demise, regular inspections, maintenance, and timely repairs are your best weapons of defense. When issues are identified early, they can often be addressed before they lead to more extensive and costly damage. Let Stanley’s come to your roof’s rescue with a team of experts that can perform a free inspection. Contact us today!

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