Decorate and Win With Stanley’s Holiday Lights Contest

The holiday season is here, which means many are looking for ways to deck the halls. Specifically…hanging outdoor lights on your home! Now through December 6, you can enter to win the Stanley’s Holiday Lights Contest!

Read on to find out how you can win a great holiday prize and get tips on ways to stay safe while making spirits bright.

Decorate And Win

After you safely hang your lights, the team at Stanley’s wants to admire your holiday decor! Enter to win our holiday lights contest in 3 easy steps:

  1. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
  2. Post a picture of your holiday lights on Instagram or Facebook
  3. Tag Stanley’s Roofing

We’ll be selecting the winner on Tuesday, December 6, and they’ll be gifted a light-up holiday inflatable to complete their home’s display.

5 Roofing Tips To Safely Hang Holiday Lights

  1. Get Your Roof Ready

    Before you start stringing lights, it’s important to make sure your roof is in good shape. Most importantly: Clean your gutters. Dry leaves in your gutters can easily catch fire if they come into contact with faulty lights. With a ladder, gloves, trowel, and bucket, you can clear those debris and keep your home safe.

    You can also use this opportunity to hire a reliable roofing company to perform your annual roof inspection. They’ll look for any damage and make sure that your stunning light display will only enhance your home’s aesthetics and not cause any damage.

  2. Follow Proper Ladder Safety

    According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, there are about 160 decorating-related injuries each day during the holiday season, many of them from decorating-related falls. Here are some ways you can practice ladder safety during the holidays:

    • Decorate during the day where you have ample light
    • Make sure your ladder is on even, sturdy ground
    • Never stand on the top rung
    • Recruit a friend or family member hold the ladder
  3. Prepare Your Lights

    Hanging outdoor holiday lights takes a bit of planning. Get an idea of the length of your home’s roofline so you’re sure to purchase enough lights — and remember to buy extensions, cables, and lights intended for outdoor use. As you go, double check for frayed wires and bad lights, both of which are potential fire hazards.

  4. Use Plastic Clips

    Ditch the hammer and nails or the staple gun, and opt for plastic clips designed to hang lights on your roof. Nails or staples will cause permanent damage to your roof potentially letting watter seep under your roof. Your local home improvement store will have clips for your roof’s eaves and gutters, and even clips specific to your roof type.

  5. Avoid Stepping On The Roof

    From slip and falls to broken shingles, walking on your roof should be avoided whenever possible for your own safety and for the longevity of your roof. If walking on your roof can’t be avoided, make sure to wear shoes with good tread and walk slowly.

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